The Artificer’s Documents

ENTRY 1, 475 / 4

    This is Peter Osborne, accomplished artificer from Skolaris. While I may be only ten, I have made at least forty high-selling inventions. Mostly just simple clockwork doves and butterflies, though. At the moment I  am planning on moving into a new workshop. Before, I was just renting a small workshop in Chailon, but now Chailon is gone. Hooray for that, I tell you. Chailon was gross and infested with rats. But that’s not the point! I am off to find a new workshop! I’ve collected everything and stolen a wagon, which is technically legal ever since chailon was sieged.

ENTRY 2, 475 / 5

I have made a chart of possible locations for a new workshop, accompanied with a list of pros for each area, and a list of cons.
Possible Locations For New Workshop:

Near Cerulean Ocean - good for testing aquatic mechanisms
Other artificers already have workshops there, Sky pirates

Sky City Of Orion
Plenty of resources, friendly area
Danger of falling, Sky pirates

No other known artificers, friendly area, decent resources
Remnants of Chailon still attacking, Sky pirates.

Serene Lagoon
No other known artificers, neutral area
No other known civilization, NO RESOURCES

Well protected, no other known artificers, neutral area, decent resources
Odd incidents, Sky pirates, under high demand by several civilizations.

Plains Tribes
No other known artificers, unknown status, easy access to food.
NO RESOURCES, close to tribe of the hearth.

ENTRY 3, 475 / 6

I’ve ruled out the following areas:

Plains Tribes, no resources

Red Slopes, other artificers, sky pirates

Serene Lagoon, no resources or civilization

I can now choose between Orion, Pomparley, and Pottsam.
ENTRY 4, 475 / 7

After several hours of pondering, I’ve decided to go to Pottsam; it is almost directly in the center of the continent, there are no other artificers (that I know of), and since it is in league with Pomparley, it is well-protected. I can still trade with Orion buyers as well as Pomparley buyers, and there are decent resources there. 
ENTRY 5, 475 / 8

I finished getting everything into the wagon this morning. I am leaving in just a couple minutes. Now just to find a horse…
ENTRY 6, 475 / 9

Found one! It will hopefully be strong enough to get me to Pottsam, but I think its ankle is twisted. I have plenty of food for the journey. Leaving today.
ENTRY 7, 475 / 11

Sorry about the absence of an entry yesterday. My wagon was attacked by a pack of gnolls, bloodthirsty dog-headed humanoids. Luckily, another party came along and drove them off. The party consists of three people: Maeril Heartwood, a human ranger who rides an elk; Gareth Swordhand, a human warrior who just walks, but wields a really big sword; Ladrum Clarivaris, a half-elven wizard. She casts magic with scrolls and has a unicorn named Fred. They are currently enjoying some of my rabbit stew as we sit around a fire. Enough about yesterday, though. Today was fun. Maeril taught me how to catch my own rabbits and fish, while Gareth taught me how to wield a rusty shortsword that one of the gnolls dropped.
ENTRY 8, 475 / 12

Woohoo! We made it to Pottsam together! Sadly, we don’t have enough money to sleep in the inn, but we got the next best thing. We talked around in town and it turns out Farmer John has a spare room. We’ll talk to John tomorrow. Tonight, we are sleeping in the wagon with the horse tied to a tree.
ENTRY 9, 475 / 13

Confronted Farmer John today. He refused us, but it doesn’t matter, because Maeril ran into a couple of ogres carrying a big rock with gems inside. It broke when she killed the ogres, but we have it in the wagon now.
ENTRY 10, 475 / 14

Went to the town hall and the miner’s guild with the rock. We now have around 600 gold coins. We are paying to build a lodge with about 500 of it and keeping the rest. The lodge will be an entire quad across and one and a half quads tall. The lodge will not only be a new workshop, but also the headquarters for the greatest adventurers in Skolaris!
ENTRY 11, 477 / 27

It took just over two years to do it, but we got ourselves a huge lodge up on a hill approximately  3 quads away from Pottsam, and I named the horse Jaques.

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