My happiness had grown tremendously after a week of using a gratitude journal. Taking a moment each night to reflect on something or someone you are grateful for made my day so much better. It helped me focus on the positive aspects of my life. It is such a little thing but has a great deal of power.
Posted in response to the challenge Gratitude.
One of my New Year's resolutions is to start a gratitude journal! I'm so happy it's helped you notice the little things; that's what I'm hoping for too.
I too have a gratitude journal. . . tired, not used enough yet worn out. It is a magical thing, writing like that.
It is magic, this power you wrote about. I still feel it even as my journal lies forgotten. When I open my bedroom window and breathe in the frozen air to pray, the gratitude often overwhelms me, as if my writing became words.
Come to think of it, maybe my gratitude journal is written among the stars.
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