

Is us

You and I


Joking and laughing from things like the weather

To ghost cows and weird books and crazy ideas

To fanfictions and emails and drafts we'll never send.

We laugh so hard we cry

We talk and we think

We analyze and fantasize 

With our cousin telepathy.

You're irreplaceable

A song in my heart

While we may sometimes fight,

And are often apart,

I look forward to calling you,

Seeing you, making memories

Some sweet and some tart.

You are my second half

The one who completes me;

I talk a lot of my friends,

But you're my every reason.

We live separate lives

Have different friends

Social groups, opinions on math that never ends

But most we have in common

Like book series we love

How we write and we chat and we make the rules bend.

We are the cousins, unbreakable and strong

Rebellious and caring,

Passionate and daring.

Thank you so much for making me feel funny

Making me laugh at our ridiculous stories

Cool and hilarious and occasionally boring

I love every moment, every in-between:

Irreplaceable, my cousin, is you and me.



13 years old

More by QueenBee

  • Teenhood

    There should be a word

    For ages thirteen through seventeen.

    There should be a word

    Like childhood or adulthood

    That describes

    Being a teenager.

    Adolescence is one, yes

    But it doesn't fit.

  • Schoolwork



    How exciting.

    I think my teachers are trying to kill me.

    They assign lots of assignments

    Worksheets, sometimes a quiz

    Normally I wouldn't mind

    But I'm not a math whiz.

  • Timeless

    I wanted to stay there forever

    Under that tree with you.

    I wanted to lie there

    Live beneath the sky's blue.

    I wanted to look at the constellations at night

    And name the clouds' shapes in the daytime.