Catching fireflies
In my palms
Catching snowflakes
On my tongue
Throwing wishes
To the sky
On the wings
Of dandelions
With my head
In the clouds
Begging to stay
In the sky
On the damp grass
Not a care in the world
To the wind
Dipping toes
In the ocean
Letting the froth
Reach my ankles
Running away
When the cold
Shocks my skin
In leaf piles
Throwing leaves
In the air
Throwing them away
Along with all my fears
Watching the sun set
Watching it rise
Watching the darkness creep in
Then pushing it away
With the light of the moon
And the stars
Hot coco
Counting the marshmallows
Like how I count
All the things
I want to do
When I grow up
Years later
Here I am
Where I was once
Wishing to be old
I am now
Longing to be younger
This is a poem that I forgot to submit to this contest so it is on my profile twice
Posted in response to the challenge Teenager: In Writing.
Gali, the struck me in such a profound way. You more than touched on the innocence of childhood, you bring childhood back alive, with its sense of safety, security, blissful meaning in the smallest of life's little wonders. The memories you describe are nearly universal, allowing any reader to relate in a deep and individual but personal way.
But please, don't forget you are still young! Someday, you will find yourself wanting nothing more than to be in middle school again, just embarking on life as a young adult. Let yourself feel this sorrow and nostalgia, but enjoy, too, what's right in front of your eyes. I'll be rooting for you!
Thank you so much!!
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