Lover, Please Come Home

Inspired By My Own Book Series 


“What are you going to miss most?”


     Oh lover,

           Oh lover,


     I know I’m not deserving

Of your light

     But do you even know

What I'd do for you?

     Why do you have to be so


     But cruel

At the same time?

     I’ll terribly miss you when you leave

Your smile makes my day

     Every day without you

Will be another impediment I face


     Oh lover,

          Oh lover,


     When will you ever return?

I’ve lost my mind alone here

     Please come home soon

Your daughter has a father

     She’s never even seen

She’ll ask me all about you

     I’ll tell her all the stories

But it’s not the same

     She can’t comprehend

The idea

     Of a loving father

She doesn’t understand

     That you’re supposed to be

A role model

     In her life


     Oh lover,

          Oh lover, 


Please come home

     So I can forever

Put my hand in yours







14 years old

More by Lulu_D

  • Books

    I open it 

    Relishing the new-book scent 


    I can forget again. 


    Take me away 

    To foreign lands 

    Where peace can be found 

  • Star

    I’m a star

    I’ll travel millions of miles

    Just to see you

    Just to give you a little light

    A little hope in this hopeless world


    One day

    I’ll be an asteroid

    And I’ll fall from the sky

  • She Is

    Inspired By My Own Book Series

    She is a firebird

    Rising from the ashes

    Picking herself up in the darkness

    Holding hope in her talons


    She is glass

    Stable and transparent