
When magnets are placed the right way

They connect

When they're placed the wrong way

They use everything in their power to stay away

From each other

They resist

With a force

That I do not know the name of

But I admire

It takes strength to resist

Especially when its expected

Of you to obey

Sometimes the magnets get to escape from each others grasp

And sometimes one magnet

Is stronger than the other

And they become bound together

Whether they want to

Or not

But what if

Dozens of magnets


Against the one

And used the force

That I don't know the name of

Because dozens

Are stronger than one

Posted in response to the challenge Resistance.



13 years old

More by Gali

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    For every time a woman gets called weak

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  • The Shooting Star

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    Looking for a shooting star

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    Wishing to wish