This is not America. This is hell.

The school board tells us lies

Promising that they understand


Yet they don’t know 

What it’s like

To live in a world 

Where you are seen yet never understood


Adults blame their mistakes on us

Yet they have confined us to this prison

For eight and a half hours every weekday 

And proceed to send us home with hours of work to finish


Students all over America

Have claimed they would rather die

Than go to school


Has anyone ever thought

To question

The system

And not the students?


We have made countless arguments

Spending years of our lives

Cowering before adults 

Who promised us hope

Spending our childhood

Cowering before the injustice

Of the American school system


But our pleas our worthless

We have no voice

We have no power

We are the majority

Treated like a minority


We are the broken, the forgotten, the unseen, the misunderstood, the neglected, the unloved, the belittled, the hopeless, the mistreated.


We are the teenagers of 2025.


We are seen but never understood;

People laugh at our pain

As if our blood 

Isn’t on their hands.


This is not America.

This is hell.


-Lucy Danto

Posted in response to the challenge Democracy & Ethics – Writing.



14 years old

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