
One day, there was a little girl named Sally, who had plans to go to the beach with her mom and dad, Ashley and Ted. Sally had been drawing pictures and talking her Mom’s ear off about all the things she wanted to do while they were at the beach. When the day finally arrived, Sally was so excited, she woke up at 5:00 a.m. ready to go to the beach. She got up out of bed put her swimsuit on and went and woke her parents. ”Mom,Dad, it's time to go to the beach!” 

“Sally honey, it’s not time to go yet.  You need to go back to bed,” her Mom said in response.

“Fine,” Sally said, with disappointment. She climbed into bed and tried as hard as she could to go to sleep. Finally she fell asleep……. 

“Sally, Honey, it’s time to go to the beach, you need to eat breakfast first, though.” Sally’s Mom was surprised she had actually fallen back asleep.

     Sally started to sing as loud as she could, “It’s time to go,It’s time to go.”

“All right silly, get down stairs for some breakfast.” Sally’s mom said laughing at the song Sally was still singing.

As Sally raced down the stairs, she got her muffin but it fell on the floor and she started to cry.

“ Mom I hate having one arm, I can’t do anything,” Sally said with a sadness in her voice.

“ I know, sweetie, but it makes you unique. Get back to eating your breakfast honey,” her mom said, trying to calm her down.

 Sally said still upset “That doesn’t matter I still only have one arm.”

    “Honey I know you do, but that is who you are. You know that one of my best friends in school had only one arm but that didn’t change anything about are friendship.” Her Mom said with a reassuring look on her face.

    Sally thought for a few moments then started talking “ Really? That’s cool, I guess I do like having one arm in some ways.”

    “ Do you feel better now honey?” her mom said.

“ Ya I feel better Mom,” Sally said, feeling  more like herself.

Sally’s Mom picked up Sally’s muffin and set it on the table, then sally sat up in her chair as best as she could and started to eat her muffin. She made a little mess, but not that bad for still learning to adjust to only having one arm. 

“Are you ready kiddo? I just started the car so we can get going,” Dad said all ready to go.

“ Yes let’s go,” Sally said super excited.

“Off we go then,” Sally’s Mom said loading all the stuff they would need into the car.

Sally’s Dad helped her get buckled because she still had trouble doing that with only one arm and then her parents got in and buckled and they left. It took them about two hours to get to the beach but they made it. Sally had her dad unbuckle her. Then her Mom put sunscreen on her and they set up their stuff. Sally was really ready to get in the water, so the three of them went down to the water and swam for a little bit, but Sally was having trouble with that, so she decided to stop. They then went and got popsicles but she couldn’t lick it and hold it how she used to, so she gave it to her dad and just sat there until she found something else she could do. While she was sitting there, she saw this little boy make a sand castle.

 She said to her mom,“ Mom! Mom! I want to make a sand castle, but I need some help.”

“Ok honey,  grab your bucket from daddy and let’s go make one,”  Sally was determined to make it near the water. Her Mom tried to tell her to make it up where there wasn’t water, but she didn’t listen.  They started to make a sand castle, but Sally couldn’t scoop the sand into the bucket or use a shovel, so she gave up on that. 

Sally stomped away with her mom following and went and sat next to dad.  “I can’t do anything with only one arm, I am so much work for you. I am like a baby.”

“ Honey, you are not a baby, and you are not work for us. You are our daughter, and we both love you so much,” her dad said with a comforting in his voice.

”Honey, we love you so much, and that will never change,” her mom said with a single tear in her eye.

“ I love you too.  Thank you Mom and Dad,” Sally said, trying not to cry.

They decided to pack up and start to head home.  They would pick up pizza on the way. Sally was okay with that.  Overall, Sally had a pretty good day even though things didn’t go how she had hoped they would.  Sally learned that no matter what she was faced with it would be more challenging, but it would be worth it in the long run.  

Thetford Academy


YWP Instructor

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