A Small Little Rocket

A small little rocket, stands still
compacted and dark it is on the hill
when the flame invokes its spark,
the sky is no longer dark.
For it and its friends soar into the sky
and their personalities are really shown
as they go up to fly.

Many colors, many shapes
a small little rocket can become so much more
but as the colors begin to fade
to be more a grayish shade
it is still remembered,
as a small little rocket remains.

Jade Ambrose


13 years old

More by Jade Ambrose

  • Your Words

    Your words, so sweet and so nice
    Your words, we would play and scamper like mice.
    We would play dinosaurs or horses, and could you believe,
    that I would go to the grave of our friendship and grieve.

  • Dolls

    Dolls, who you dress up in pink and white, 

    dolls, who you take to the park or on a flight, 

    dolls, who are made of plastic and cloth, 

    they are always so girly, never unique or even goth.

  • My World

    My world, was full of happiness and bright

    my world, comforting from daylight to night.

    my world, seeing animals ripping people into bloody tears,

    I know now that they shouldn't be my biggest fears.