The Creation of the Universe

In the beginning there was nothing; no suns, no moons, no planets. The universe was empty, just an endless black expanse of pure space. Then something appeared––just a white speck from afar, but once you got closer you could see it was much, much more. It was a planet purely made to create, a planet of life, a planet made to shape the universe. A planet called “Northeris'' was a sentient planet whose only goal was to keep creating life and balance throughout the universe.

Northeris started summoning asteroids––not the kind of asteroids that destroy, but instead, the kind of asteroids that create. 
Although this creation didn’t just happen out of nowhere, Northeris would send out two asteroids, yin and yang, and set them on a path to collide with each other.

When they did collide, there would be an explosion so immense that it would create an entire galaxy with millions of solar systems inside of it. 
Northeris created all kinds of galaxies: galaxies with planets that are lush and full of life and balance; gaseous planets with no life and only a burning core; desolate planets with few life forms, scarce plant life, and very little water; and massive planets with thousands of moons each containing life. There is such a variety of planets and solar systems within the universe that it would be impossible to name them all.

However, Northeris even created our solar system, but made a small error; It overlooked the fact that making that asteroid hit the earth would make some of the most destructive beings in the universe, the humans. Nevertheless, Northeris kept sending out asteroids and creating galaxies––trying to fill the endless expanse that is the universe, unaware of what the humans would do to it.


Thetford Academy


YWP Instructor

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