Tomorrow, I Hope

Tomorrow I Hope
The stars will still shine

People will be kind 

And the night will be quiet so that birds can sleep


Tomorrow I Hope
Racism will end

Enemies will be friends

And dreams will come true

Tomorrow I Hope
Spring will come early

Christmas will be fun

And the next year will bring on cool adventures

Tomorrow I Hope 
I will travel to Greece

I will see a shooting star

and  temperature will be more than 50 degrees

 Tomorrow I Hope
I will see tons of puppies

I will have no homework

And there will be lots of presents under the Christmas tree

Tomorrow I Hope
There will be equal pay for women

That food will go to the homeless shelter

And that we will have a woman president

 Tomorrow I Hope
All movie theatres will have recliners

A Trader Joe’s will open down the street

And there will be a snow day 

 Tomorrow I Hope
I can sleep in

I can eat Pad Thai

And we can play volleyball in gym


Thetford Academy


YWP Instructor

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