Turning Thirteen

Turning 13 is a really big deal,


Not Tweenager,

In a few years, Automobiler.

Friends’ houses,

Infinite screen time (almost),

Bigger allowances,

Small jobs,

Less little sib, more dances.

Late nights,

Movies and YA books,

Luxuries only the teenager knows.




Payback, revenge, and fights.
Age restrictions on kids menus in restaurants, cafes, and coffee shops.

Tickets for plane rides, buses, and fairs.

Twelve and under! Under 12! It shouts at you from every direction.

You groan.

Why not just one more year?

Thirteen and under! Under 13!

Would that be so hard?

Your parents think that, too.
Samantha, you’re old enough, 

Help me stack this wood!

Will, come here to the dishwasher, 

Start earning your keep!

Laundry, vacuuming, cooking and housekeep!

I’ll do it later, in a minute, and age-old excuses, 

Repeated by the bored, busy, or weary cabooses.
Grade school behind,

Junior high ahead,



New teachers,

And new kids (gulp).

A fresh start, a new beginning, a second chance,

A new era…

Until lunch.

And then you realize while it’s different…

It’s still exactly the same.


Thetford Academy


YWP Instructor

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