


15 years old


  • notes on crying

    my eyes look greener when i cry,

    but only in the mirror.

    i think i'm pretty when i cry,

    but only when i'm alone.

    i never wear waterproof mascara,

    because i like the way the regular kind

  • Why I Love Stars

    Flash on, flash off.
    Incapturable, immeasurable.
    Maybe it won't be this way forever
    but today, only we can see them. Just us.
    Our little human secret.
    White dots, bits of erasure
    on a dark canvas.

  • Lake Days

    When the sky is so quiet
    and I have no looming thing
    to do, I sit in the silence and wait
    till the loon calls, slippery back
    and white head popping up from
    the annual lake, our annual lake,
    twists its head left and right

  • december

    You gave him the clouds, the sunsets, the stars.

    You gave him your 3am wishes on mars.

    You gave him 13 handwritten diary entries,

    You gave him enough pen ink for centuries.

    He gave you a rose, the 26th on December.
