Love Is
Love is a gas station chain in the Midwest.
Love is little girls with Mary Janes spreading kisses around the playground.
Love is little boys who claim to hate them.
23 Days Until Graduation
My freshman year was sterile
I was separated, regulated
It smelled of hand sanitizer and soap
The hallways were one way only
Changing of the Seasons
The transition between seasons is a momentous change for some people, and just another day for others. Write a piece that represents what the changing of the Seasons means to you!
At The End
At the end of the day it’s the one who knows which gas station beverage you want
At the end of the day it’s the one who got you through your hardest classes, even when they weren’t taking it -
Religion is girlhood
God is a teenage girl screaming the names of the people she used to love at the sky
Worship is dancing and celebrating while still being upset
My Childhood Home
My childhood home is filled with plants,
plants that we never water
but are somehow still alive.
Its island is littered with junk mail,
different types of olive oil,
stray flakes of salt,
instructions on growing up
If you wrap your hand around your mother's wrist
your fingers will touch. How
do you come to terms with that? How
do you learn that your father's shoulders