Hard Questions
Sometimes I have to ask myself hard questions.
I almost never have an answer.
I delve into the depths of my mind looking for clues, and always resurface with memories.
Memories I'd rather forget. -
Only human- part 4
I don’t think I can take much more of this.
I’ve been awaiting this dreadful moment all my life and now,
Here it is.
A car pulls up and a woman gets out.
The car pulls away leaving her stranded. -
Only human- part 3
The bed creaks as I slowly rise, nobody here though I’m not surprised.
My hair knotted and straw-like, crackling as I pull it back.
My mind has been gone for days, weeks, months, -
Only human- part 2
“You can tell me,” I whisper to the wind.
“It’s worthless now,” I almost hear, whistled through the trees.
I can’t, I won’t
I’m done, and I feel too alone to accept it. -
Only human- first of four poems that go together [they are fictional]
I miss the summer heat, and the love I once received,
Before I turned
Sometimes I wish I could forget about last week, last month, last year, my past, -
the green leaves will flutter on the trees,
your car will leave the big hot parking lot,
once and for all.
will I leave with someone else,
or by myself,
because maybe I just need to digest what happened