


19 years old



  • Sun descending in a sienna sky

    The basketball court is slick with freshly-fallen rain, black nail polish hardened into enamel after spilling weeks ago lies on my desk, forgotten and right in front of my eyes, as I watch them play that game on my tiny screen, their feet sliding

  • Realities

    She pressed the cherry into my hand,

    Smiling, it didn’t mush,

    Didn’t leak red juice all over my summer-calloused palm

    Like fake blood, too bright to be the real thing.

  • missed deadline

    It was my fault completely

    I’ll say that much

    But to my defense it was July

    And I don’t do much thinking in July

    I don’t meet many deadlines in July

    They told me that my school email would die in July

  • Loon Song

    Author's note: I recently found out that a school that I loved sold their camp in the Adirondacks, where I have many fond memories. This grief inspired some writing, which I have posted below.