


16 years old


  • Moths

    I lay on the ground, alone
    A caterpillar crawls on the stem of my palm
    Crawl, crawl, crawl, stop.
    Why did it stop?
    Why didn't I stop myself? 

    I could've helped you
    Only I watched you suffer
  • Forest Crown

    I walk into the forest

    “Come with us” the birds chorus

    “I can’t,” I say... But we both know how I wish I could

    I dust off my shoulders and head deeper into this forest of leaves and wood
  • For my Love

    I can't believe it
    After all this time
    A hundred thousand steps stepped,
    A hundred rocks moved,
    A hundred panic attacks,
    A hundred swim strokes,
    A hundred million breaths,
    A hundred meals,
    I'm finally here

  • The Snow Knows

    Today is the first real snow of the season.
    I feel
    But most of all, the snow feels that too
    The snow is a marvelous thing
    It is merely water in it's frozen stage
    But it is also cold and warm together
  • Fly

    They teach us and rejoice when we 
    But all we want is to 
    So we ask, 
    "Why can't we fly, like the birds?"
    They smile and shake their heads.  
    "You'll learn, someday."
