What If I Lose You Today?
I still think about the way things were back then
With the unpredictable fear of tomorrow
It still haunts me
Like a ghost I can never rid myself of
I wish I had done more
I know I could’ve done more
Our Story
Our story always ends the same
No matter how many pages I turn
In the end
I’m the friend in need
And you’re the main character, always having to help me
I try to rip the pages out
Poem 260
I saw you today
For the first time in months
It feels like I haven’t seen you in ages
I used to hope
We stayed apart
Never faltering too close to one another
But as I look into your eyes
Yours Again
When I looked into your eyes
The memories came in waves
Drowning out all our flaws
For a moment
I forgot my resentment
And became yours again.
We Were Meant To Be Broken
Blood is never beautiful
Yet we were made to bleed
Hearts were meant for breaking
Eyes were made for crying
Hands were made for hurting
We were meant to break
Poetry Club Meeting (Rm 222, Dec. 4)
Words scatter
don’t scare them away
we tread with trepidation -- slowly, they gather
You play electric guitar
I play acoustic
Neither of us are very good.
I know a few chords,
I played the chorus of 505 for you
You told me to "get Weezered"
Case files
It didn’t occur to me, not on the first day, or the second
* * *
If you asked me to describe the job
My Golden Friend
Have you ever met someone who truly feels like your other half? Who completes you? Not even romantically, I mean even a friend who mirrors your soul, reflecting back the sweetest parts. Well, I met one of these people last spring.