


14 years old


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  • The Stories in Lines

    In each person, there’s a story, 

    one you may or may not know, 

    but in every person, 

    there are hints of their long story, 

    such as in their beauty. 

    Around their mouth, 

  • Don’t get mad

    You said you wanted to change the past you miss the long days well you never once asked was it hard for me you never once thought maybe you where hurting me so don’t get mad at me when I walk away  when I make my own name take my own future b

  • cardiac

    last week, my brother dropped his heart 

    on the pavement and we both 

    watched as it cracked right open, 

    spilling in red ribbons and golden gears 

  • Books

    I fell into a pile of books,

    Met a boy,

    With eyes like a stormy sea,

    A heart like the sun.

    Sorry I don’t know,

    If I am getting up again.