Sawyer Fell

Sawyer Fell


18 years old


  • A longing for sunburn

    The moonlight casts a lonesome silhouette
    of where your body would bring the picture
    to life in this humanly incomplete puzzle, 
    pillows and blankets jaggedly shuffled and
    stuffed into vacant cracks, and I dream that the chilled
  • Garden of Ending

    The domestication of the wolf into dogs is 
    comparable to the snatching of virulent 
    plants to make them minimalistic million-dollar 
    loft decor. Please, for the love of God, indulgent 
  • Poetry in my everyday

    My life is not nearly as poetic
    as the nature of humanity.
    However, if you weave the right words together,
    anything can become poetry.

    The life cycle represents how life is round
    just as Keats once said.
  • What the Fae's Do in Their Spare Time

    Gather around rock circles in an unruly display.
    Tussle with the cattails until the sky explodes with snowflakes.
    Poke at the cryptic critters living beneath the sand of the lakes.

    Guide the fish away from casted lines, just to mess


  • Who Is Autumn?

    Autumn is a woman with a top hat and golden eyes atop a horse as dark as night.

    Autumn is the auburn hills glowing in the light of the harvest moon.

    Autumn is the pumpkins and the squash and the nostalgia.

  • Better Things

    autumn leaves, they
    fall to the pine-bathed
    soil, and my heart falls
    with them, and I think it's burning
    too, burning too, for all it takes
    is one glance into your
    amber eyes, september sight, and
    you've got my

  • The Artist of Fall

    When night awakes sooner,

    and the stars become brighter,

    Fall descends onto the land.

    Soon enough, winter will bring its false sand,

    until then, the leaves paint the sky-

    as the trees and wind begin to sigh.

  • New Polaroids

    Amber leaves cling
    To umber trees reaching
    Frayed roots deep into the ground.
    They've told you time
    And time again, "autumn is the season
    Of the dead.
    Green leaves rusting, flowers
    Dusting over till the pink

  • Spooky Season

    When the air is crisp,

    with a chilly breeze,

    fall puts a spell on me.

    The leaves fall in a wisp,

    as an artist weaves-

    a portrait of the fiery sea.

    Though, it’s not February,

    love seeps through the air.