Sawyer Fell

Sawyer Fell


18 years old


  • Episodes

    A young-minded puppy that is full-grown
    Bumping into the coffee tables
    Knocking off picture frames and wine bottles
    Unknowing of the damage
    Until she steps on the glass
    And the blood leaks from her paws
  • leaking epics

    The crack in my ceiling idly opens to let Calypso’s
    clueless hands reach for my body like a rag doll. 
    I’m handled with care despite my bedrock mold. 

  • A Request

    "I do not wish to escape to myself, I wish to escape from myself."
    - Allen Ginsberg (Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg: The Letters)

    do not dwell on my life.

    when death licks 
    the last reminiscence 
  • Truth

    "America I’ve given you all and now I’m nothing."
         - "America", Allen Ginsberg

    When the calamity reaches its culmination,
    and space-bound aluminum coffins are rife with bodies