Sawyer Fell

Sawyer Fell


18 years old


  • Afterthought

    You see, his body never made it
    To the city of angels.
    Lit by Purgatory's divine lights.
    Oh, he would have loved the sight.

    To see chaos rolling in masses.
    Down the boardwalk and past the ocean,
  • (punished)

    Sun, round and blazing, sets
    Over the desolate desert planes.
    Under the earth, it tries to retreat
    To the north, seeking change. 
    Barely in gasping reach
    Of the soul's cold hands that stir in an
  • Exulansis

    I don’t remember
    Falling, but I still have 
    The scars from when I
    Touched the hollow earth,
    And I screamed Bloody Mary
    For God to save me. 

    How did you build me?
    Did you ransack essence from unholy angels,
  • memento mori

    i wish to be a poet 
    and run away with my love,
    so it can be preserved like
    our innocence before the
    corruption seized it like dogs. 

    i wish to be a poet,
    so biding time seems less like