


15 years old


  • Lonely Pine

    In the shadow of winter, beneath its piles of fur, its green coat against the stark white of the season's bounty, lies the trunk which seems like only a memory hidden under the branches of the lonely pine.

  • By wildcat

    The language of Ice

    My skates glided
    over your smooth, cold surface –
    and as I moved through the still night air, I heard your voice, in a language I did not understand.
    It echoed and billowed,
    wailed and whispered,
    cracked and creaked.

  • By wildcat

    That one little leaf

    I saw a solitary orange-brown leaf clinging to a lonely sapling —
    And was sure that it would fall —
    But it hung on even as its fellow leaves descended to the forest floor —

  • By wildcat

    A Chance at Love

    Once there was a little sparrow. Her name was Jade. She was all alone in the world, just one little bird lasting out through the years. Perhaps she could've had a special person. But she didn't want just any person. Her deepest desire...

  • By wildcat

    The wild future

    It was that...

    Ocean ran from her polluted plight, her waters pillaged of their life. And when Freshwater looked for sanctuary in Ocean's embrace, she was gone.

    It was that...

  • By wildcat

    Sweater Weather

    Sweater Weather.
    The time when the air is crisp and cold, but the snow has not yet fallen- 
    when I see an abundance of styles-
    patterns of diamonds, hearts,


  • Among the few minutes of Night

    Out in the forest, the time was 3:26, the world around me was filled with the darkness of night, it had such an interesting glow and the circle of light was above my head, and I looked to my side down the hill that looked over the town I saw what

  • eclipse

    the moon's silvery-gray hair

    falls in shadows across her face

    her pupils waxing and waning


    to catch a glimpse of her girl,

    her beauty, her sunshine

    her pale lips remembering cinnamon warmth

  • An Eclipse


    She had dark black hair that crossed her face.


    He had honey-blonde hair that creased his ears.


    She didn’t have the grades she should.


    He had too many books to fit his room.


  • The Snow Falls

    No school today,

    For the first time since December

    It's been five months,

    Almost half a year,

    Yet the snow falls,

    We ripped March off the calendar

    Yet the snow falls,

    The snow melted in February,

  • Medicine

    The wood is lush and dappled with light, 

    the first April flowers poking out of the ground, snow

    melting under my bare feet. 

    The ache of you digs into my chest like a sharpened blade,