


16 years old


  • Not A Fool.

    You always wait until the moon disappears,
    before looking up at the stars,
    now seeing them for how beautiful they are. 
    Without the moon, the sea knows how vain
    you truly are, but you are merely a shadow forged from light.
  • “You’re So Mature.”

    Most adults think I’m ‘mature’ for my age.
    They say it like it’s some reward,
    like I’ll get a Medal of Honor for being so mature
    for the very little years I’ve spent on this planet, I call home. 
  • ????

    Will the wind blow away your love?
    Will you fall away from what you love the most?
    Like the autumn leaves?
    Will you say your gentle goodbyes?
    Like flying geese?
    Are you going to sugar coat all that you do?

  • Shooting Stars

    As a child,
    deep within my restless nights,
    I'd sit by my window,
    and hope for a shooting star.
    The star that could grant any wish I had.
    I would mistake a satellite
    for a shooting star,
    and wish for something small.
  • The willows

    I long for that warm feeling,
    but not in the form I already know.
    I am well versed in its song,
    full of unspoken lyrics
    I know by heart,
    the words are engraved in my head.
    I long for the song of the Willow Tree,
  • The Little Things I Favor

    I love the feeling of a rainy day,
    when the air is frigid,
    and everything feels gloomy.
    I love sitting next to the bay,
    listening to the waves crash against the shore,
    as I read in the cool shade, on the sand.
