Tiny Writes
I’ve been thinking a lot about gossip. My 10 year old brother wrote on a homework assignment that gossip is untrue and a bad habit. Sure, I agree with his pure, 10 year old self, but when is there a good time to gossip? When is gossip true, and when is it okay to gossip?
Love this cuzzie :) Deep thoughts...I say gossip is okay as long as it's not mean, or behind anyone's back. You can still talk about people when they're not around but I try to clarify any rumors I've heard before spreading them around with the people they involve. I find that most often they are untrue!
Yes I totally agree <3
I agree as well
I agree with QueenBee; I am Jewish and honestly, Yiddish bubbes know how to gossip like nobody else!! I think it's ok to gossip if you know how to do it without hurting anyone else, and if you know the rumor/thing you're talking about is quite true. Everyone will make mistakes once in a while and hurt somebody, but if you're careful and kind, you can gossip without doing that. Because gossip can also be fun...IF you do it right!!!
Haha yeah I totally agree! Gossip can be super enjoyable when it's done in a good way - but you have to be careful who you gossip with (make sure they're trustworthy friends who won't spread harmful rumors). :)
I totally agree :) thanks for sharing <3
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