
Comment Commented on Posted

Ethereal! The crystal-clear quality of that lake -- it's a true mirror. I'd do anything to visit someday!

Mirror Lake 9 months ago

The imagery here is bright and sparkling. You've convinced me that there is always beauty surrounding me, I just have to look a bit harder to find it. The nod to the seasons at the end is lovely!

A Split in the Road 9 months ago

Ahh, you've truly captured the spirit of Dickinson, not only in your dashes and capitalizations but in your theme! So funny, that she was such a recluse but could give us such wonderful advice about how to approach the world. This certainly does!

"Venture Out -" Inspired by Emily Dickinson 9 months ago

This is so perfect.  Infinity has so many definitions, and this poem somehow captures them all in its six short lines.  I love it!

What is Infinity? 9 months ago

This is so beautiful! It looks like a painting.

Mirror Lake 9 months ago

I love this! You go into details that pulled me in right away and you smoothly transition one sentence into to the other!

I should have told him I loved him 9 months ago

Writing wasn't really a huge thing for me at first, it was just some silly hobby I had to let my creativity shine through other windows than just art- since art wasn't my strong suit. Eventually, I moved in the 6th grade to a small apartment complex and my mom stumbled across YWP in the newspaper. She read a little about it and thought it would suit me well. Then after signing up and making an account I got really into writing and wrote on here. 

I am very proud to be a part of this wonderful community of people and wish the very best to newcomers along the way! 

Tiny Write by Anna_banana, October 27 2023 9 months ago

I've done that before, many times. But some writings I haven't, some have a spark about them that I can't just redo. There's also something ever so welcoming about having mistakes and errors in your past writings, so when a month or 2 rolls around you can see where you were with your writings and how you used to write. Sometimes I'll look at other peoples writings and see a spelling mistake or grammar mistake, but I don't really notice it all that much because I'm not reading it to criticize- I'm there to read a possibly beautiful and life-changing writing. 

It also reminds me that I can make mistakes too and it's okay if a writing from yesterday isn't as good as one I could do today. 

Anyways, sorry for such a ramble. Hope you have a lovely rest of your week!

Tiny Write by Anna_banana, November 16 2023 9 months ago

This is AMAZING! The detail, especially on the shoes, is incredible!

A Little Bit Worse 9 months ago

Photographer’s note; the r_photography1326 watermark is my watermark on instagram! 

Blurry Vision 9 months ago