
Comment Commented on Posted

This is really well done! You so clearly play with the intangible and create really lovely metaphors and pressurized connections.  

The Words my Mother Gave Me 8 months ago

I love Sally Rooney! I am currently re-reading Beautiful World, Where Are You? I just love her style and the way she intellectualizes and conceptualizes human relationships between others and the world. 

Book Club post by willameden, October 4 2023 8 months ago

I love The Stranger! I read it for my AP Lit class, and I became obsessed with Camus' depiction of apathy. It is interesting to consider the meaning of the work in conjunction with Keats' Ode On Melancholy. Totally different themes, but if you liked the whole remembering to feel because that's the whole point of life part of The Stranger, you might like this!

Book Club post by Sawyer Fell, November 28 2023 8 months ago

Thank you! 

Philosophies In Third Person 8 months ago

The Inheritance Games is a great series! The books follow Avery Grambs, who suddenly inherits a fortune and has to figure out why the money was left to her. There's mystery and romance :)

Tiny Write by Transb33, December 18 2023 8 months ago

You remind me of myself at 12. The difference is that you choose to speak out--and that is a gift. That is power.

Empty Sorry 8 months ago

Bravo! You've got so much creativity inside you, I can tell. Horror is one of my favorite genres to read, and this didn't disappoint. Are you an X-files fan, by chance? I remember there being an episode that takes place at a logging camp, but it sure doesn't end like this...! It's called Darkness Falls if you're interested. 

A couple notes to you: I think the reader could use some explanation of what choker/setter holes are. I also think you could break this up into smaller paragraphs, which would not only make it easier on the reader's eye, but also designate more moments of suspense (a very good thing)!

The Haunted Logging Deck 9 months ago

"Flight" is this week's featured photography on Want to check it out? It's up now, here!

Flight 9 months ago

"She Who Is Quiet Amid the Noise" is this week's featured poem on Want to check it out? It's up now, here!

she who is quiet amidst the noise 9 months ago


Wonder 9 months ago