
Comment Commented on Posted

I really love this poem! Is this based on something or did this story just come to you?

The Brothers Nine 8 months ago

Thank you!

Vulnerable love 8 months ago

I love that final cuplet! especially the conversational like nature of it, since  it's been my experience that the more feelings i keep inside the more conversations I end up having with myself! 

Vulnerable love 8 months ago

Hmmm this really made me think! I love the fable like nature of it! 

Paper Swans 8 months ago

Thank you! I love personification in poems.

Love Me Like Fog 8 months ago

Thank you so much! I wrote it on a very foggy day this December and I'm so glad it had the feeling I intended!

Love Me Like Fog 8 months ago

Thank you, I love reading your comments!

January Is an Icicle 8 months ago

Ever since I was little, I've been making up "mind movies," where basically I create characters and make up a little visual story in my head. Usually they aren't anything I'd ever put into a written story, since they're all either way too crazy or way too mundane, but they're fun to make :)

Tiny Write by Treblemaker, September 16 2023 8 months ago
  1. TPG (theater performing)
  2. Favorite teacher: math, least favorite: English
  3. I was in XC running 1st semester and now am in XC skiing. I'll also soon be part of the musical :)
  4. An uncountable amount since I'm replying to this super late lol
  5. Eh, yes and no
  6. Yes but I'm used to it by now
  7. So much less free time bc I have to work a lot to get to be in the math class I want to be in next year (although I'm surprisingly really enjoying math right now so it's ok)
Tiny Write by AutumnSkyes, September 22 2023 8 months ago

No it's not...:) my neighbors do fireworks all the time (not just on holidays lol) and it gets pretty annoying, especially if I'm trying to fall asleep. I used to be really into fireworks and new year's eve but now I'm just like "no, i need sleep"

Tiny Write by Fainting Goat, December 30 2023 8 months ago