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We used to go to our grandparents every thanksgiving, and while we were there we would go to the "Festival of Lights" which was a park filled with holiday lights. It was always my favorite part of the holidays.

Tiny Write by Geri, December 16 2023 9 months ago


Wonder 9 months ago

I simply placed the camera on the object.

Rusty 9 months ago

This is so cool! How did you take the picture? 

Rusty 9 months ago

 Probably science-fiction, but I love fantasy and mysteries too!

Tiny Write by GertietheGremlin, November 28 2023 9 months ago

Mine has to be fantasy! What about you?

Tiny Write by GertietheGremlin, November 28 2023 9 months ago

Yes - sometimes I'll slow down and think of the situation at a neutral status, and rethink my actions from that point forward.

Bias Impact 9 months ago

Thank you! 

Winter Wonderland 9 months ago

You're absolutely right! Do you have ways of overcoming internal biases, if you ever notice them arising in yourself and affecting your opinions or actions?

Bias Impact 9 months ago

Lincoln sounds like a town I want to give a hug to. In choosing just two hubs to focus on, you were able to add so much rich color to them, really highlight the warmth of your community through its central meeting places. I hope I'm lucky enough to get the chance to visit someday!

Lincoln 9 months ago