
Comment Commented on Posted

Hi Stargirl! This is a really hard question to answer. I guess it would depend on what happened and the aftermath of it. If someone feels awful and immediately apologizes, I'd definitely stand by them. If not, well, I don't know. Sometimes you need to see if the person you've made your world is a world worth helping, or even a world that can be helped.  I can't say I'd know what to do or that I have advice worth taking. Sometimes you just need to take a step back and really think about how someone's actions have affected people around them, or even the person themselves. You don't need to make yourself collateral damage trying to love someone. Relationships aren't promises, they're agreements. 

Tiny Write by Stargirl, September 15 2023 1 year ago

I really enjoyed this poem!! I love the way you rhymed the last five lines! Amazing work!

Box of Crayons 1 year ago

It was actually a spur of the moment picture, we went to an astrology event at a bird refuge and there were lots of high-tech telescopes all around trying to find mars. But it was too cloudy so they were mainly looking at the moon. I got this shot from my iPhone through the telescope! 

Plum Island 1 year ago

That moon––! How on Earth did you capture that moon? Was that taken with some kind of special camera? I must know! 

Moon aside, these are lovely vacation photos. That sandy pathway already has me longing for the summer we haven't even said goodbye to yet.

Plum Island 1 year ago

elise.writer, this positively sways, as the best poetry always does. Your choice of words felt both confident and lilting, and slipped off the tongue-in-my-head as I read this, producing the natural pauses I can see you intended -- and therefore, carried your theme of new beginnings, too, in a way that felt fresh and heartfelt. 

New Polaroids 1 year ago

Yes, it is both a small step and a tremendous, springing leap! Thank you for shining your positivity on a dire situation, as Pridejaguar13 said. Maybe you could add in a few more background details about the Montana court case in your piece, for readers who don't know anything about it: What specific rights did the young activists claim were being violated with the approval of new fossil fuel projects? How did they ultimately win the case, and has it now set a true precedent? etc.

The Start of a Change 1 year ago

The shading is impeccable! What materials did you use?

Gummy Bear 1 year ago

Oh my gosh! This is amazing! I am in love with your artstyle, they way you blend is incredible. I'm a huge space art nerd and I love the whimsy this adds to the galaxy, your artwork appears to be soft and defined all at once.

Space Bubbles 1 year ago

I love this piece! Thank you for your honesty and optimism.

The Start of a Change 1 year ago

This hurts but in a good way, I appreciate your honesty.

Misplaced Trust, and What Comes After 1 year ago