A.  All the attentions arise

B.  Being brave I close my eyes

C.  Consciously clearing my throat

D.  Desperately trying to daringly float

E.  Every eye stares

F.  For in me rise my fears

G.  Graciously I turn up my eyes gingerly

H.  Hearing something not hardly

I.   In hope for an inch of faith

J.   My legs seem like jelly but this joy I crave

K.   My heart keeps skipping like a kangaroo

L.   Loving what I have it’s a love like anew

M.   Even morning sun makes a small compare

N.   Nothing is greater, no wrong is beared

O.   I can be open, our time to be knew

P.   Truly not plain, though plainly true

Q.   Our quest is soon over

R.   The race has been run

S.   We have life, despair is over and done

T.   Truthful, total

U.   Unscripted, unfaltered

V.   Vivid victory

W.   Well and watered

X.   No x-family

Y.   The fruitful yoke that yields the best

Z.   Rather than a zoo, this is rest



15 years old

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