Imagine a friend who’ll never let go
A friend who’ll never give up
Imagine a friend who is life itself
A friend with the smile brighter than the sun
Closer than a brother
I imagine a friend -
Voice With a Hand, Hand With a Heart
I look at my teenage years
I see the pain, I see my fears
I’m still young but I desire that faith
I believe and know I’ll be ok
I fell in a pitA hole so deep
I couldn’t save me using my wit
Bittersweet of Farewell for Now
The feeling bittersweet
Like lemonade
A feeling you may meet
The pressure will fade
Of letting someone go
Someone dear
For you truly know
Despite your fear
Your love is like a zipper
The Maine Coast in December
I look over at the waves
Soft breeze on my face
The sun dancing brightly
On the rocks below
I clench my fist tightly
I know I want to go
The wind whips my hair
I almost start to shiver
The Tree on the Mountain
The tree on the mountain
Sprawling leaves like a fountain
So pleasant and green
Beckoning for me
To sit beside this tree
Home to bird and to bee
It’s old and gentle
Knots in its wood
Recipe for a Hug
Despite some recipes that require arms and a torso mine just requires the fuzzy feeling that appears when you’re around the people you love.
First, be close to someone you love.