My roadtrip is different than the average.
Unless, I suppose, you consider water a road.
I own a houseboat, traveling with my cat and dog in Canada. One night, a few nights ago, I sat on the upper deck, sprawling my legs, laying back, and sighing happily. My cat curled himself against my right leg, and my dog sat next to me panting and guarding me from the occasional dangers of a birdsong. She’s not the brightest pooch, but she would give anything to keep me safe. She barks at the birds, and my cat purrs at max volume. The sun glimmering over the horizon, and gleaming on the canal landscape. I wore a sweater for the chilly night, and shorts; because I was so content that I didn’t feel the need to get up and change. The sun bent down, further ushering in the still night. I sighed once again, closing my eyes til morning.
Posted in response to the challenge Scenic.
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