


17 years old


  • Glass

    The glass 

    It shuts me in 

    I find myself dazing

    Out of it

    Looking at the hills, 

    The clouds, 

    And that fresh air

    I can almost taste 

    From where I'm sitting
  • Dreams

        When I was younger I had this one dream that kept occurring at random times. It was one of those dreams that you can’t explain what was happening.
  • The Tree

    The tree

    It sits outside 

    my window

    A big and 

    glorious tree

    It shimmers in the winter 

    And blooms in the summer

    But it's not just any old tree

    It’s my tree
  • Quiet

        Do you ever just listen and hear every little thing around you making noise? I was sitting in class one day reading, when I realized how much noise there is around us. In that moment I could hear every little noise so distinctly.
  • The Lift

       It was a beautiful snowy cool day, so my friends and I decided to go to the mountain to ski. We went on the small hill a lot so we wanted to switch to the top. We went on the ski lift that takes you up higher, and higher.
  • Guardian

    I was lost, 

    I was overflowed with drama, and work

    I felt hopeless

    Like my life was a repeating cycle of the same things

    I had no one to turn to

    No shoulder to cry on

    All I had was myself