


18 years old


  • But a Passing Moment

    Heads turned down; rushing in a hurry down the stairs.
    But out of all of them I see you.
    Standing upright like the rest, yet so different to all the others.
    You fascinate me, I try to watch closely but feel as if I am afar.

  • Unmoving

    And now I sit, unmoving.
    The epicentre of my own downward spiral.
    Unwilling, unchanging; staring desolate into the void.
    Bored into unproductivity.
    Feelings of loathing arise.
    The great pleasure of completion fades.

  • WTH Ralph

    After parties are good; I like after parties.
    Especially with Ralph. Ralph is my best friend, who is so funny, but in a smart, almost whimsical way.

  • The Boys and the Frogs

    “Now you boys remember to have fun, but remember there are always consequences for what you have done!” The boy's mother called after them. Though the boys knew that their adventure would have a different plan.


  • Why





    Why an I crying

    In the middle of a road stop

    People are probably staring

    And I know my family’s upset

  • Expectations

    Go outside.

    Be Social.

    Everything is fine.

    But it's not!

    We are told to act

    to speak

    to be okay

    No matter what face you put on

    What character you play

    Deep down

    You are not okay