Acer Sacharrum

Acer Sacharrum


14 years old



  • The LGBTQ+ Center

    I went to the LGBTQ+ youth center for the first time.

    For a year 

    I stared at the website, 

    wanting nothing more than to go.

    When I finally went, on a Wednesday,

  • Parenting Lessons

    always carry your keys between your middle and ring finger

    never have your wallet visible

    don't listen to music in public

    everyone's a stranger

    you're our child; don't scare us.

  • Just Like Us

    They're obsessed with social media and two-second dating

    we talk about climate change and ski racing

    they'll talk about what they're supposed to

    we'll talk about the world's problems and what to do

  • romantic

    i hate valentine's day:

    i used to be a hopeless romantic

    and maybe that's why i want to hide

    in a corner, staying unnoticed. 


    i love valentine's day:

    i used to love chocolate box

  • Poetry

    By wph


    Someday there’ll be holes in these walls

    Where pictures of you once hung from thumbtacks 

    And the little squares of wall they used to take up 

    Will crumble and rot.