A river of tears
Every day when we stand for the pledge I feel like a curtain has fallen over me.
holding me down.
I remember who is president for the next four years.
And I want to cry.
I want to sit down and cry a river of tears.
In the gym
Three others are with me
I say:
“I will try to touch the rim!”
“Alright!” Shouts one of the kids with me
I am forever chained to technology.
Everyday I put on technology that will allow me to hear “normally.”
I will always have to put something in my ear to hear at human standards.
I Wonder
I wonder every day:
Do you like me?
You look at me sometimes.
I wonder what it could mean.
I wonder if I feel to you what you feel to me.
It’s something that all of us have done
At some point or another.
Yet it is a sign of weakness!?
And I say that is false.
I say that it should be a sign of strength.
A Call To Action
We are a group of people mostly under the age of 18 that according to the government might as well not exist.
We are underestimated by grown-ups
Because we have not been through all of school.
Is This What It Feels Like?
Is this what it feels like?
To not be considered human?
To be some invalid,
Invisible thing
That almost nobody wants?
Is this what it feels like?
To be rejected and turned away?
Like Us
The ocean is so beautifully blue
Yet it's also black when it goes too deep
The ocean is so calming
Yet when swept beneath its waves, it's suffocating
Dear America
Dear America,
The dictionary definition of democracy is
government by the people
Basically everyone gets a choice
A say
But is this country
Influencing that
In everyday life
truth buried within a cookbook
- Add a little bit of truth in the mix
- Bury it in cups of sentences
- A pinch of darkness
- Stir in that liter of death, himself
- Teaspoon of loneliness
- Knead together the memories of the last twelve years
I’ll Say It: I Hate Our President
I’ll say it: I hate our president
All my life, people have written me off as
“possessed” and
And while yes
I am different
I am not possessed
I am disabled
A Letter to Congress
I will kneel on broken glass as
my blood stains the pearly sheen so that
you will see I've resorted to my last option: begging
before you (as a woman should be) to rip