


13 years old



  • We're everything

    We're weak

    And yet you still must

    Trap us with laws

    Because deep down inside

    You know we are strong

    We're insignificant

    But you get distracted

    By our clothes

    And you need a girl

  • Taint of red

    It comes like clockwork

    Tainting my life in red

    Searing pain

    Heavy thoughts

    Crushing my heart

    And yet

    I go to school

    I get good grades

    I do my sports

    With the taint of red


  • I really hope she wins

    I knew this was coming 

    I knew he would run again 

    Every four years 

    And yet it still comes 

    With a shock 

    Then she stepped in 

    Giving me hope 

    Calling him out 

  • You are not alone

    Are you the friend that never gets heard when there's a group conversation? 

    Are you the friend that when there's not enough room in the hall or on the sidewalk you go behind everyone?