M. Hank

M. Hank


14 years old


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  • Mundane

    a lesbian couple on my bus home from school 

    a man in a punk battle jacket on the street 

    my mother's female CEO group chat blowing up 

    four of my teachers taking the following day off 

  • 34


    An even number

    A prime number


    17 times

    I can't count it on one hand

    Not on two

    Not even with my toes

    And with a list of 34 felonies

    We still elect


    A convicted felon

  • Scared

    I woke in the middle of the night

    Oblivious to the pain that would come in 4 hours 

    When I woke up to my dad next to my bed a sad look on his face

    My world shattered.

  • My Little Sister

    My little sister 

    Only 7 years old 


    And yet strong willed 

    She will grow up 

    In this country 

    With this president 

    This person who calls himself