Sawyer Fell

Sawyer Fell


18 years old


  • Our Last Chance

    War is all that we have seen;
    mothers turning into human shields,
    fathers’ pride sharp as the bullets cast,
    children—younger than me—crying goodbyes.
    Why should we know of peace?

    Misery is all that we have known;
  • Love, As It May Be

    I crave to press spring 
    memories in the pages 
    of softest moleskin.

    Journals with petals 
    spurring out from the buds of 
    newly birthed flowers. 

    Delicate as young 
  • ;

    i began writing my will and goodbyes at 13;
    after every night i waited for my death bed 
    to hold me in an unconscious embrace and 
    to cradle me until i returned to our Mother,

    i anticipated my rebirth to commence at 14;
  • Come, Alive

    In the early morning I wake with Sun,
    And she smiles at me with yellow teeth,
    And I think Imperfection is beautiful.

    In the last moments of the day Bird flies,
    And I hear them chirp to the heavens, 
