Sawyer Fell

Sawyer Fell


18 years old


  • Starving Stars

    starving has the word "star" in it so maybe this hunger is celestial; old as the big bang; old as matter. i want to matter to you more than the air you breathe.
  • The Green State (home)

    The grizzly bark trees
    drop their rusted leaves
    and the quilt mountains—
    amongst snow and ice,
    beside frozen lakes—
    groan with content
    under the gaze of clouds
    with the sun barely peeping.

    The smoking chimneys
  • Buried in Winter

    The greatest of lovers are rumored to not dawdle.
    In hope of truth my legs begin pacing
    down through the forest blanketed in snow;
    past thickened ice the earth shows lo and behold:
    It takes more than cloth to survive the cold.
  • Finding sanctuary in showers

    - inspired by Emily Dickinson: who saw holiness in most unexpected of places.

    Hot showers are almost baptisms
    because you have the painfully mortal choice 
    to either speak to God or wash your hair.
  • Endearingly Yours, Vlad III

    I had the privilege of stealing your last breath
    so that we may kiss each other for eons to come.
    Although the disease nearly manifested your death
    I wouldn’t change our gothic story for any ransom.


  • The You That You Are

    I love the you that you are when you are alone, 

    The you that you are when you’re at home, 

    When you look with soft eyes at the cat, 

    The you that you are when you step onto the doormat. 


  • The Perfect Man

    I know that I can feel the greatest feeling of them all, 

    To look below the earth and slip a sigh.

    But only when I meet him and I feel this big emotion

    Will I be able to look him in the eyes.

  • My Silent Love For You

    In the depths of my heart, emotions concealed, a silent love story, forever shielded, not to wound the bond we hold dear.

    With every beat of my heart, a love blossoms, yet fear's grip keeps it hidden away.

  • Class on how to be 18

    Growing up is scary

    So far I don’t like it all that much

    I am expected to know

    What I want to be in perfect detail

    I have to learn how to drive

    Without being afraid of the big trucks