Sawyer Fell

Sawyer Fell


18 years old


  • An Ineffable Sestina

    Ultimately, she will be served 
    on her stained bed of silver, 
    placed on the table of a rich man 
    with an apple in her mouth 
    forced into a glazed dress 
    with her palms pointed to God. 

  • Written Meals

    I do not know how to bake 
    something from scratch, 
    like my mother’s cookies. 
    With her instinctual precision 
    and her habitual familial ease. 
    I did not inherit this side of her.

  • On Being Vane

    Somewhere between a flower and a coffin
    lies the colorless sunrise outside your windows.
    I am devoted and still breathing like the Elin.
    You are innocent and still sleeping like the Pothos.

  • As She Pleases

    To be a woman is to be a banquet. 

    Eclectic, savory, distinguished. 

    A summer potluck of femininity; 

    a Thanksgiving toast to masculinity; 

    an Easter brunch with androgyny. 


  • I Never Will

    I still dream about that year. 
    I still can remember everything there: 
    The sight, sound, smell, everything. 

    With every year that goes past, 
    I hold the memories closer and closer to my heart. 

  • For the First Time

    Deep in my heart,
    I still wonder what went wrong. 

    Somewhere along the way, 
    Everything fell. 

    Every day something falls, 
    But these days I can't seem to build it back up. 

  • In All Eyes

    And as summer leaves, 
    Fall sings through the breeze. 
    Flowers start to wilt 
    As the world tilts. 
    Even as it dies, 
    Nature is beautiful in all eyes. 

  • Time isn't right

    I wish I wasn't born like this,
    As if my life depends on the time, 
    I can't wait or it'll be too late. 

    I look at myself and feel the same disgust,
    As all those years ago.

  • Forgiving Sadness

    There is a quiet now that was not before,

    Not a quiet in the sounds I hear but a quiet in the mind.

    A quiet that only came after the screams.

    Those screams although painful were necessary,