


YWP Alumni Advisor


  • Race to Christmas

    Fly out of bed
    Hit your head on the fan
    Watch as it swings 
    Dress as fast as you can
    Storm to your sister's room
    Don't knock, lightly tread
    Then bust through the hinges
    And leap on her bed.
    Shake up the bed
  • Reversed

    Not again.

    Three cases in my tiny school.
    From where, from who? Who knows?
    And yet it's clear that for this year
    That's the last I'll see those folks.

    Did I look them in the eye
    As I asked about their day?
  • wHaT A yEaR

    Where to begin in this almost passed year of 2020.
    It wasn't fun, to put it simply.
    It was kind of horrifying.
    But- I mean- there had been some good parts.
    Like the time when- um- Frozen II came out.
  • 12 Days of Zoom School

    (inspired by the Twelve Days of Christmas song. Follow the same format when reading!)

    On the first day of zoom school my teacher gave to me
    An essay test in history.
    On the second day of zoom school my teacher gave to me
  • Black Fish Net Tights

    Its been over a year.
    An entire year since I met you and never saw you again.
    And you've yet to leave my heart. 
    And yet I can still picture your face.
    Your presence that made my heart melt with something I've never felt before.
