Yellow Sweater

Yellow Sweater


YWP Alumni Advisor


  • RED

    God is real because Red is thick enough to paint with/ because we can use our tongues to trace the face of a demon/ when it’s dark, when we’re bored, when we need fire/ Red, not the red of a stop sign or the American flag/  but Red, a Red that’s
  • The West

    here, the graves 
    are worn away 
    by the rain. here, 
    the city is clean.
    it tingles. glass 
    and demolished 
    cathedrals are 
    ghosts, carrying 
    bells they only 
  • Boiling

    celestial bodies 
    are the antagonists 
    of my inner tides. 
    the moon pulls 
    and the sun boils 
    until all I’m left with 
    is the tang of salt.

  • No Helen

    You’ll never understand Sappho, 
    because you don’t read Ancient Greek 
    or the hidden pages of history 
    where we scrawled our passion,
    with sequestered longing, desperate and dear, 


  • A Fork In The Road

    When you see a fork in the road what do you do? Go left? Go right? Or ruin the story by standing there and thinking about which way to go then turning around and going home?

  • The Sun

    The warm vibrant sun, 

    Out to bring more fun, 

    Heating the earth and its people with warmth, 

    And the previous cold is not mourned. 

  • His Majesty

    I stand there, wind knocked out of me. 

    In front of me: his majesty. 

    Quickly I bow as not to anger, 

    And the king raises his hand to keep order. 

    The room falls silent,