Human Rights – Writing


Whale Tails, Williston, VT

Human Rights – Writing

Consider how rights are diminishing for LGBTQ+ people, women, Native Americans, people of color, people with disabilities, and other historically marginalized groups. Write about the impact this has on you, your friends & family, your community.

["Silhouettes" by Lia Chien, YWP Archive]


  • Open to teens, 13-19, who have a YWP account. (It's free to join!)
  • ​Must be original work and not published elsewhere. No AI.
  • No limit to number of submissions.
  • Each submission will be considered for the Tomorrow Project's six grand prizes of $250 to be awarded when the first phase of the project is completed in October 2025.
  • Additional Fair Housing Month prizes and exhibit: Three $50 cash prizes for writing and three $50 prizes for visual art, sponsored by Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO). Winning entries will be displayed at City Hall in Burlington, VT, during Fair Housing Month, April 2025.
  • Prize winners and honorable mentions will also be published in The Voice.
  • Submissions due: March 20

Questions? Contact Susan Reid, YWP Executive Director: Reid@YWP on the site, or by email:



  • Someday

    The clasp on her helmet made a satisfying clicking sound as Shay clipped it under her chin, preparing for her largest mountain biking race yet. A double marathon relay.
  • For Every Time

    Every time a women makes 87 cents

    A man makes a dollar

    For every time a woman gets spoken down on

    A man is the speaker

    For every time a woman gets called weak

    A man is weaker

  • Dull Roar

    I'm so mad I can hardly write poetry anymore, 

    every word rushes out and tumbles down, 

    knocking the inside of my skull, 

    a dull roar that follows me to school and home again. 

  • Battle Cries

    One girl’s lanky frame against the dark turf field,

    lit up by fluorescent lights 

    She saunters toward the building 

    holding another girl’s hand

  • Wife of a Nation

    You vacuum the carpet in the same direction, 
    straight lines like ribs, hoping to be noticed, 
    hoping someone sees proof of you, 
    the ghost of your hands pressed into the fibers. 

  • The Shooting Star

    Head towards the sky

    Eyes open

    Hearts open

    Looking for a shooting star

    A spark of equality

    A spark of freedom

    Eyes search the sky

    Spend hours searching



    Wishing to wish

  • LGBTQIA+ Rights

    Have you ever seen a gay person? Maybe someone you thought was gay by how they acted? Or somebody who identified as non-binary? The community of Pride is everywhere.

  • My World

    My world, was full of happiness and bright

    my world, comforting from daylight to night.

    my world, seeing animals ripping people into bloody tears,

    I know now that they shouldn't be my biggest fears.