
Comment Commented on Posted

Thank you so much :)

Tiny Write by Stargirl, September 15 2023 1 year ago

Thank you ever so much Treblemaker! <3

Mother 1 year ago

This made me smile so beautiful 

Mother 1 year ago

This is so cool I have such a vivid image of what your describing 

Peonies 1 year ago

I've always tried to listen to music when I write but I get too distracted by it lol. If I can manage to find a playlist that sets the 'tone' or 'vibe' of my story (like mysterious dark forest music) then it's always instrumental. I start writing the lyrics down if I listen to music with words XD

Tiny Write by Yellow Sweater, September 4 2023 1 year ago

I feel that same way Anna, while this may be a proper skip through some beautiful flowers, it was ever so long ago. This is a photo of me almost 3 years ago, I posted it here to remember that joyful time when I was carefree without a care in the world. No matter how much time passes this moment will always have a special place in my heart. So, I felt the need to share it with others. I'm happy it spoke to you the way that it did, and even if it's just for a moment- try, try to take a moment to enjoy the little things, heck, maybe even a field of flowers. ;)

Dancing In A Field Of Flowers 1 year ago

this is epic

She was herself 1 year ago

Hi Stargirl! This is a really hard question to answer. I guess it would depend on what happened and the aftermath of it. If someone feels awful and immediately apologizes, I'd definitely stand by them. If not, well, I don't know. Sometimes you need to see if the person you've made your world is a world worth helping, or even a world that can be helped.  I can't say I'd know what to do or that I have advice worth taking. Sometimes you just need to take a step back and really think about how someone's actions have affected people around them, or even the person themselves. You don't need to make yourself collateral damage trying to love someone. Relationships aren't promises, they're agreements. 

Tiny Write by Stargirl, September 15 2023 1 year ago

I really enjoyed this poem!! I love the way you rhymed the last five lines! Amazing work!

Box of Crayons 1 year ago

It was actually a spur of the moment picture, we went to an astrology event at a bird refuge and there were lots of high-tech telescopes all around trying to find mars. But it was too cloudy so they were mainly looking at the moon. I got this shot from my iPhone through the telescope! 

Plum Island 1 year ago