


14 years old


  • Realities

    She pressed the cherry into my hand,

    Smiling, it didn’t mush,

    Didn’t leak red juice all over my summer-calloused palm

    Like fake blood, too bright to be the real thing.

  • Closer to spring

    Darkness falls quickly now,

    the feeble sky overpowered by the black pull of eternity.

    Snow turns to rain, rain turns to mud,

    and every month, I bleed and I cry.

    It's almost Christmas, but

  • My Heart Will Heal

    Your eyes are dark like midnight, filled with millions of tiny stars

    and I don't know what to say to you, what to do

    because when I see you,




    not in two but in so many scattered pieces,

  • Lose you to the night

    We talk as the twilight turns to dark ash, 

    sit out on the porch and catch fireflies in mason jars--

    only for a second, then let them fly.

    You tell me about friends I barely know, and I nod and smile at you,

  • The last poem I'll write about you

    Memories frozen in amber

    are dropped on my doorstep like a cruel present--

    your freckles and your smile and your green eyes like grass and summer leaves,

    that nickname nobody had ever called me

    before you,


  • For Them

    It does not feel fair that someone like you must be in a world with people like these
    A world with all the horrors of the news broadcasts 
    and real

  • If I were

    If I were fearless, I'd tell you
    That old songs make me think of you
    That you remind me of a bluebird, and I can hear your voice
    In quiet places

    If I were high, I'd tell you