Yellow Sweater

Yellow Sweater


YWP Alumni Advisor


  • RED

    God is real because Red is thick enough to paint with/ because we can use our tongues to trace the face of a demon/ when it’s dark, when we’re bored, when we need fire/ Red, not the red of a stop sign or the American flag/  but Red, a Red that’s
  • The West

    here, the graves 
    are worn away 
    by the rain. here, 
    the city is clean.
    it tingles. glass 
    and demolished 
    cathedrals are 
    ghosts, carrying 
    bells they only 
  • Boiling

    celestial bodies 
    are the antagonists 
    of my inner tides. 
    the moon pulls 
    and the sun boils 
    until all I’m left with 
    is the tang of salt.

  • No Helen

    You’ll never understand Sappho, 
    because you don’t read Ancient Greek 
    or the hidden pages of history 
    where we scrawled our passion,
    with sequestered longing, desperate and dear, 
