


13 years old


  • Night

    with the sun beyond the mountains
    moon bright in the sky
    sparkling constelations

    you hear the flutter of a bats wings
    owls hooting as they scavange for mice
    the near-silence of night

    seeing the night
    hearing the night
  • Oak Tree

    the grand oak tree
    reaches for the sky
    with branches sprouting outward

    moss wraps around it
    patchy in some places
    but creating a soft cloak

    it stand in a forest
    but easily picked out
    as the greatest of them all
  • Balance

    Steadying the earth
    Keeping it on it’s axis
    Pushing it upright 

    The power of balance 
    Steadying us on our toes
    Preventing us from tipping 

    Without balance we would fail
    We would all fall

  • Grateful

    how grateful I am
    for the roof above my head
    the water in my glass
    the food on my plate
    the bed beneath my body
    but most of all
    the family within these walls
  • A Penguins Inaugural Speech

    Hello my fellow penguins,

    Today we gather here because I have been elected squakedent. For all you humans here, you would call me your president. Even though I am not yet officially squakedent yet, we must go over some rules. 
