PAST CONTESTS: Fall '23: Writing


Brooke Gendron-Hale photo of tree in dusky afternoon light

PAST CONTESTS: Fall '23: Writing

In poetry, prose, fiction or nonfiction, share your interpretation of fall. Take the challenge in any direction that seems right to you. Convey the meaning of the season from your own unique, creative perspective.

[Art: Brooke Gendron-Hale, YWP]


  • Three prizes in writing: $100, $75, $50
  • For ages 12-18. You must have a YWP account (It’s free to join!)
  • Respond to the challenge in any genre
  • Must be your original work and not published elsewhere
  • No limit to number of submissions
  • Prize winners and honorable mentions will be published in the November issue of our digital magazine, The Voice.
  • Contest prizes to be announced Oct. 25, 2023 

Also see the Fall-Visual Art Contest.

Return to the main YWP Fall Contest page for more information.


  • The Eldest of the Seasons

    if life is but a dream for the dead

    may you visit us during autumn, the eldest of the seasons

    letting your fragile bones be exposed to the crisp air of october

    letting your fingertips run over the bars of the cemetery gates

  • Old Skin

    Fall had come, and close to its end, it approached. The air became brisk, with winter awaiting in the future, and as a girl wandered down the sidewalk, autumn's old skin shifted through the air above her maple hair.


  • Every Fall

    I fall in love with you every fall.

    Seeing your face after a summer away

    sends shock waves through my body.

    I forget I love you

    until the air starts cooling,

    until school starts again.

  • Who Is Autumn?

    Autumn is a woman with a top hat and golden eyes atop a horse as dark as night.

    Autumn is the auburn hills glowing in the light of the harvest moon.

    Autumn is the pumpkins and the squash and the nostalgia.

  • Fall is a Queen Bee

    In the crisp embrace of my russet leaf patch, 
    a Queen Bee reigns supreme, Her presence unmatched. 
    Her saintly swarm rustles me, yet I am blessed, 
    for She brings forth the chilly scent of ember rest. 

  • It Is Still Summer

    It is still summer. Not fall. 

    Call me stubborn, but I refuse to forget. I choose to remember. 

    I remember riding the train, speeding past hills that glowed yellow from the sun. 

  • Better Things

    autumn leaves, they
    fall to the pine-bathed
    soil, and my heart falls
    with them, and I think it's burning
    too, burning too, for all it takes
    is one glance into your
    amber eyes, september sight, and
    you've got my

  • Fall

    Fall sings the song

          Of beginning again

    Letting go 

                   Of all the hurts dragging you down 

    Run through the golden woods